Weekly Reflections

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For February 25, 2024

GENESIS17:1-7, 15-16


At the conclusion of the story of Noah and the flood, we learn the details of the dispersion of his descendants across the world. Immediately following this, begins the story of Abram and Sarai (chapter 12).  God promises Abram that of him he will make a great nation.  But Sarai is barren, and no heir is forthcoming.  In accord with local customs & practices, she offers her servant-girl Hagar to bear a surrogate child for them.  Ishmael is born of this union.  They think they have their ducks in a row, and God’s promise will be fulfilled through Ishmael.  But they have a big surprise in store for them.


  • This passage begins by telling us that Abram is 99 years old at the time of this God-event.  God appears, and states that he is going to make a covenant with Abram. (vv. 1-2)
  • God repeats the promise he made earlier (12:1-3), that He will make of Abram “exceedingly numerous”; He will make Abram “the ancestor of a multitude of nations”.  (vv. 3-5)
  • Next, God renames Abram, saying that his name will now be Abraham.  (v. 5) He does the same with Sarai in verse 15. We will discuss the significance of renaming in the takeaway below.
  • Our text eliminates verses 8-14.  These verses give the details of the cutting aspect of the covenant (see second bullet below).  But instead of cutting animals, this time it is circumcision. 
  • Verses 15 and 16 turn God’s attention to Sarai. He begins by renaming her, and then states that He “will give you a son by her”.
  • What we do not see in this selection is verse 17. When Abraham hears what God said (in verse 16), he “fell on his face and laughed…”  In my paraphrase of this verse, Abraham says “How’s THAT going to happen—I’m 99, and Sarah is 90.  Seriously, God???”


“In the ancient world, having the authority to give names implied mastery.”*  You may recall that Adam named the animals in the Garden of Eden. Jesus renames Simon Peter.  In our text, as part of the covenant, God renames Abram (“Exalted Father” in Hebrew) Abraham (“Father of a multitude of nations”).  Both Sarai and Sarah mean “princess” in Hebrew. But the point of renaming them is that they now belong to God; it is a binding relationship, such as a marriage.

In modern times, when we make a binding promise, it is usually written on paper, sealed by a notary, and sometimes registered with a county clerk. In Old Testament times, the promise was bound by cutting animals in two.  Details of one such covenant is found in Genesis 15:9-11.  But in the case of God’s covenant with Abraham, the cutting is more personal; it is circumcision.  Circumcision was practiced in some other ancient cultures.  The illustration below is taken from an Egyptian hieroglyph.  But for Abraham’s clan, this procedure would take on a new religious meaning.  It seals the promise between God and the people of Abraham in a very personal way.


Just as we read last week with Noah, God is the initiator of the promise-making.  It is God who draws near to Abraham and Sarah, and wants to engage in a close relationship.  In both cases, the humans involved are obedient, but God is the one desiring the relationship.  He wants this same relationship with all of us.  If you are in doubt, pick up a bible and flip through it.  It is full of God’s reaching out to us, our failure, and His forgiveness.

As a result of Abraham’s faithfulness, God does the impossible.  Abraham and Sarah do miraculously bring Isaac into the world. Isaac is the fulfillment of God’s promise.

* “Reading the Old Testament”, Barry L. Bandstra

ROMANS 4:13-25  

(I strongly recommend reading The Message for this passage, but the comments below relate to the verbiage in the NRSV.)


If you have ever belonged to an organization consisting of two very different types of people, you know that there can sometimes be problems between the groups.  In most of the early churches, the congregation consisted of a mix of Jews and Gentiles.  In 49 AD, Emperor Claudius expelled a large segment of the Jewish population in Rome, including the Christian Jews.  This left the Gentile Christians behind, in charge of keeping the church going.  The Christian Jews returned after Claudius’ death, five years later, finding Gentiles in church positions they had vacated. This must have made for some tense moments.  Christian Jews placed high importance on the keeping of Old Testament Law and traditions. In this passage, Paul explains the importance (or the lack of importance) of keeping these laws and traditions.


  • The opening line says it all.  Abraham did not keep his promise with God through obedience to the law, but through faith.  The law was given through Moses, who lived 600 years after Abraham. Abraham, therefore, had no Old Testament or Ten Commandments; Abraham’s righteousness was based purely on his faith in God and God’s promise.  (v. 13) 
  • Verses 14 & 15 further support the statement made in verse 13.
  • Paul expands upon this further in verses 16-22. The bottom line is the same as the opening line—getting right with God (being “reckoned as righteousness”), is not based upon our actions, but upon only our faith and nothing more.
  • Paul then sums it up by saying that it is no different for us Christians than it was for Abraham.  Abraham was “reckoned to him as righteousness” purely on the basis of faith.  What “reckons us to be righteous” with God is not our actions; it’s all about faith. (vv. 22-25)


Paul is not throwing out rules and laws.  Elsewhere, he points out their value.  He tells us that it is the laws of Moses that provide us with a good conscience.  They provide the framework for living together in harmony.  But the law not the road to salvation, any more than it was for Father Abraham.  It is our faith in Jesus Christ, his death on the cross, and his resurrection that saves us. 

MARK 8:31-38


We are about halfway through Mark’s gospel at this point. Jesus has been preaching and teaching, healing and performing miracles.  Jesus and his disciples are on their way to the villages of Caesarea Philippi, on foot, of course.  As they walk, they talk.  It is on this road where he asks them who they think he is.  This is where Peter proclaims Jesus to be the Messiah. Today’s passage comes right after that event.


  • Jesus must have felt comfortable with his disciples. After all, Peter has just declared Jesus to be the Messiah.  So he tells them what lies ahead; he will suffer, die, and rise again in three days. (v. 31)
  • Peter takes him aside, and “rebukes” him.  (v. 32)  I wondered what he might have said.  Then, I discovered what Matthew tells us— Peter said “God forbid it, Lord!  This must never happen to you!” (Mt. 16:22) 
  • Jesus’ response seems a little harsh.  In fact, it is the same response that he gave Satan at his temptation (Mt. 4:10).  Why would he react like this?

As is typical for Jesus, he turns this into a teaching moment.  We might want to entitle the second paragraph “The Cost of Discipleship”.  Let’s look at what he says.

  • He tells his disciples and the crowd that followed that if they want to be his followers, they must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. (v. 34, italics emphasis is mine) The cross in that time was the equivalent of our electric chair—a device for executing the worst criminals.  This must have been a shocking statement.  Jesus was challenging their thinking; to reconsider their priorities. He must have known that they would suffer for believing in him.
  • Verse 35 is an interesting paradox.  It must have been puzzling at the time, because Jesus offers a small explanation in verse 36. 
  • He hits the nail on the head in verse 37. What is your life actually worth? How much would it cost you to buy eternal life?  (You can’t earn it.  It’s too expensive. )
  • Knowing what’s in store for his followers, he encourages them to not be ashamed of what is about to happen.  It is part of the divine plan.  If they are ashamed of the divine plan, they’re going to find themselves in an “awkward position”, when Jesus returns in glory. (v. 38)   


Jesus was sent to earth with a mission.  He had a long list of things to do.  The last but not the least of these tasks was to suffer and die for our sins.  It was probably not something that Jesus was looking forward to, at least to the suffering.  Maybe Peter’s rebuke was yet another temptation for him.  A temptation for Jesus to avoid the pain. The temptations he endured in the wilderness were similar in nature to the rebuke he received from Peter.  No wonder he called Peter Satan.

We are all Jesus’ disciples here on earth today.  We must be prepared to sacrifice for our beliefs.  Jesus makes it clear that this is a life or death decision.


When we shy away from an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus to those around us, aren’t we in some way ashamed of sharing the gospel?   (Please note that I’m saying “we” and not “you”.)  But it’s true, isn’t it?

For February 18, 2024

GENESIS 9:8-17


The story of Adam comes to a close in Genesis chapter 5. In chapter 6, we learn that the people had become wicked and violent.  God has decided to hit the reset button—to start over. You know the story-- Noah and his family are called upon to build a ship, gather the animals two-by-two, and so on.  Today’s lesson intercepts the story after they have found dry land, and all the people and animals are off the ship.  Noah immediately builds an altar, and makes a sacrifice to God.

We all know this story well.  But what is the God Lesson in this story?



  • God takes the initiative, and establishes a covenant—a solemn promise.  This covenant is not only made with Noah and his sons, but with the animals of the arc as well.  God promises never again to destroy the entire earth by flood.  (vv. 8-11)
  • God creates the rainbow, to act as a visual reminder of his promise to all living things on earth, that he will he will never again destroy all flesh by flood.


We did not request God to make this covenant with us, He decides to do it all on his own.  This is yet another example of his steadfast love for an undeserving people.

In preparing this study this week, I learned that in ancient times, hanging one’s bow up meant that the fight was ended.  You could say that by God hanging his rain-bow in the sky, He promises not to do that gain.  He understands that if we are left to fend for ourselves, we are not going to be rid our sinful nature.  If you read on, you will see that this is true.  In the verses starting with 9:20, Noah gets drunk and naked, and weird stuff happens.  Even Noah!


1 PETER 3:18-22


In the verses immediately preceding today’s selection, verses 13-17, we learn that Peter is talking about the suffering that often comes to those who do the Lord’s work.


  • Peter reminds us that Jesus also suffered for doing the will of the Father.  He died once for all.  He died one time, on the cross, and  died for all mankind of all time.  He did this, to bring us all closer to God. (v. 18a)
  • Verses 18b – 20 need to be read as one chunk, but they also need to be broken down.
    • After his death on the cross, his spirit (which was very much alive) descended into Hell (or the dead) to proclaim the gospel message even to those who had died.  Remember the Apostle’s Creed?  (vv. 18b-19)
    • These spirits in prison/hell include the disobedient ones from Noah’s time.  (v. 20a)
    • The same water that saved Noah saves us through our baptism.  (vv. 20b-21)
    • Jesus now reigns in heaven at God’s right hand, and all angels, authorities, powers, etc. are under his authority.  (v. 22)


Peter tells us that it is okay to suffer the faith. He reminds that Jesus suffered for doing this, too.  It is Jesus’ suffering that saves us, and that in our baptism we are cleansed from our sin.  Jesus’ one-time sacrifice of himself saves us all!

MARK 1:9-15


  • The lectionary is a list of bible readings that we use as a chart to navigate the church year.  It is a three year list, labelled A, B, and C.  We are currently in cycle B, which features the gospel of Mark. Mark’s gospel is the smallest, most concise of all the gospels.  What it lacks in detail, it makes up for in energy.  Today’s gospel reading covers the baptism of Jesus and his temptation, all in six short verses.


  • Verses 9-11 describe Jesus’ baptism.  He is baptized by John the Baptist before he calls any disciples, performs any miracles, or does any teaching. This is the beginning of his ministry.  Baptism is a great place to start.  As Jesus comes out of the water, his Father proclaims “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”
  • Immediately, Jesus is whisked away to spend 40 days of fasting and meditation in the “wilderness”.  While there, we are told that he was tempted by Satan.  No details are given by Mark.  You need to look elsewhere for detail.  But we do know that angels cared for and protected Jesus from “wild beasts”.  (vv. 12-13)
  • After Jesus’ retreat in the wilderness, John the Baptist is arrested.  This signals the end of his ministry, and the beginning of Jesus’.  (v. 14)


  • The words that God speaks at Jesus’ baptism, are similar to those spoken at his transfiguration, but they are also different. Here at his baptism, God is speaking to Jesus—“…with you I am well pleased”.  At the transfiguration, God is speaking to Jesus’ apostles—“…listen to him”.
  • When I hear the word “wilderness”, I think of forests and perhaps mountains.  Jesus’ wilderness was different.  It was more of a rocky, near desert terrain, similar to New Mexico.  And there were definitely wild beasts there.  Most notably lions, bears, snakes, and scorpions inhabited this region back then.  He needed those angels for protection. 
  • Jesus must have been on an emotional high after his baptism.  After all, some pretty incredible things took place.  But isn’t that the way it always goes—just when things are going great, that’s when we are most tempted to stumble.  We know from the other gospels (Mt. 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13) that Jesus is tempted to use his divine power for personal gain.  I find it a comfort to know that Jesus was indeed tempted, and endured them.  It tells me that he understands what it is like to be human, and how difficult it is sometimes to do the right thing rather than the tempting thing.


We are all blessed with certain gifts from God.  For some, it is compassion and understanding; for others it is prosperity and power.  Whatever blessings we receive from above, we are expected to use them wisely. All too often, we are tempted to keep them to ourselves, and use them for our own personal gain.  Instead, we are called upon to use them to build up the Body of Christ.  How are we doing with this challenge?

For February 11, 2024


2 KINGS 2:1-12


Let’s do a little time travel!  Let’s go back in time nearly 3,000 years.  We’ll set our destination as the northern kingdom of Israel, and the time to about 850 B.C.  This was a long time ago, and in a culture totally different than ours.  In order to land on our feet, we’d better know the lay of the land.  They didn’t have a Bill of Rights or a constitution, they had a king.  There was no separation of church and state; they were completely connected.  Worst of all, no messiah/savior Jesus.  Elisha was the main Hebrew prophet of the day, and Elisha his apprentice.  Elisha has followed Elijah for many years, and was a devoted companion. 

The people of Israel had drawn away from the Hebrew God Yahweh, and found the Canaanite god Baal more appealing.  There is repeated confrontation between Elisha and the prophets of Baal.  The problem worsened when the Hebrew King Ahab married a Canaanite woman named Jezebel. With her came a host of prophets of her god Baal.  Maybe Ahab was more interested in expanding his trade options than in serving the God Yahweh. The grass must have looked greener in Canaan.  There was constant conflict between the prophets of Yahweh and the prophets of Baal.  These stories of conflict are found starting in 1 Kings 16:29.  They set the stage for today’s reading. 

Today’s reading is about the transfer of authority from Elijah to Elisha, and the end of Elijah’s stay on earth.  Understanding Elijah and this story is key to our study of the gospel lesson for today, the transfiguration of Jesus.  Elijah and Elisha are on a journey to cross the Jordan River.  They both know that Elijah is about to “check out”.  I can’t say “die”, because the story is not that simple.


  • So, they set out, and find their way to Bethel. Along the way, Elijah urges Elisha to stay behind.  But Elisha is too devoted to him, and swears that he will never leave him.  (vv. 1-2)
  • At Bethel, they are met by some Hebrew prophets came out from the city to greet them.  They confide in Elisha that the Lord is going to take Elijah from him. He says “Yeah, yeah, I know.  Now keep it to yourselves.”  (v. 3)
  • The exact same thing happens at Jericho—“Stay here”.  “No, I will never leave you.”  And the prophets telling Elisha what is about to happen.  (vv. 4-5)
  • By verse six, they are collecting an entourage. Again, Elijah tells Elisha to stay behind.  You should know by now that that ain’t happnin’!    (v. 6)
  • Now it gets interesting.  At the bank of the Jordan River, Elijah takes off the outer coat he’s wearing—his mantle.  It is the garment worn by the main prophet.  He rolls it up, and strikes the water with it!  The waters part, and the two cross the river without getting even wet feet.   (vv. 7-8)
  • After crossing, Elijah asks his companion if he has any requests.  Elisha really sticks his neck out, and asks for a big one.  He doesn’t ask for the power and authority that Elijah has, he asks him for twice the amount!  Elijah’s answer is interesting.  He doesn’t laugh.  This is serious.  He says that if Elisha can endure the intensity of his being taken up to heaven, that this wish will be granted.  If he can’t handle that power and glory, then he’s out of luck.  (vv. 9-10)
  • The scene is nearly indescribable.  But Elisha holds on, and keeps watching.  He cries out.  It is over.  He tears his clothing in two, which is an act of grief and mourning.  (vv. 11-12)


There are several points to take from this story.

  1. Elijah was one of the most famous of all the Old Testament prophets.  He worked many miracles, as would Elisha. The parting of the Jordan River is a hint to the reader that this prophet was on a par with Moses.  This is a key to understanding the meaning of the gospel reading for today.
  2. Elijah was one of only two people in the Old Testament to never die, but go directly to heaven.  Enoch was the other person (Genesis 5:24).  The tradition was that Elijah would return to earth to herald in the second Davidic kingdom.  Gospel writers Matthew and Mark are quick to identify John the Baptist as their Elijah.
  3. The people of Elijah’s time were torn between worshipping two deities—two ways of living and being governed, since religion and politics were intertwined. Some chose one, some chose the other. I imagine that there were many in the middle, trying to cover all the bases. 



Have you ever done a difficult task to the best of your ability, only to have someone come after you, insult your work, and redo everything?  This is what happened to Paul in Corinth.  He built that church (the people, not a building) as best he could. When he left to spread the Gospel, other preachers swooped in.  They criticized Paul’s style.   They put him down.  They preached a different “gospel” than Paul  The details of their actions are given both in the previous chapter and in chapter 11.

The passage chosen for this Sunday begins with verse 3, but verses 1 & 2 are worth adding to the selection.  We’ll start there.


Paul states:

  • We can’t become discouraged in our efforts to spread the gospel message.  God has given us this task, and we have to persevere.  It’s hard, but we have to keep plugging away.  (v. 1)
  • We must lay it all out before our audience, including the things that are embarrassing.  Nothing should be hidden, or wrapped in clever speech.  The whole truth should be presented, so we may have a clear conscience.  (v. 2)
  • Some may think that our gospel message is shrouded in mystery; that we’re holding some facts from them.  But this is only because they are blinded by outside influences.  (vv. 3-4)
  • It’s not about us, it’s all about Jesus, and letting His light shine through us.


In the verses preceding this passage, 3:7-18, Paul also uses the word “veil”, to call to mind how Moses veiled his face from the people.  His face was radiant, after he had seen the glory of God on Mt. Sinai.  The people couldn’t take it!  Moses had to cover up.  Some of Paul’s detractors were complaining about his preaching style and message. Paul says that his detractors’ “veil” is different.  They were being secretive; Paul told them everything.  They (“the world”) it hid the true meaning of the gospel from their gullible followers (“those perishing”); they were leading people away from the true Gospel message.  Paul tells everyone to keep it simple, and proclaim Jesus.  Let your gospel light shine! 


MARK 9:2-9


Peter:  “Well, we thought that Jesus was taking James, John and me on a hike.  Then, it looked like we were going to do a little mountain climbing.  Little did we know what was in store for us.  Once we got to the top, Jesus’ whole appearance changed.  It was hard to describe.  He was dazzling white, I guess you could say.  I wished I had brought my sunglasses.  Then, it got really weird.  Suddenly Moses and Elijah showed up, and started talking with Jesus.  I wonder what they were saying.  Then, I started babbling, and said something about building little shelters for all three of them.  Man, was that a stupid thing to say!  But I was scared out of my wits.  You’d probably do the same, if you were in my shoes.  Anyway, suddenly it got cloudy.  That’s when a voice came from the cloud proclaiming Jesus to be his beloved Son, and that we should listen to him.  And then, just like that, BAM!  It was all over.  We walked down the mountain with Jesus.  The killer was that Jesus gave us clear orders to keep this to ourselves.  We couldn’t tell anyone until he had risen from the dead, whatever that meant.  Do you realize how hard this was going to be?” 


The transfiguration of Jesus has always been a curious story to me.  Why did it happen?  What am I supposed to do with this story?  Over the years, I have come away from the story with a couple of points that I’d like to share with you.

  1. On the mountain, Jesus’ appearance makes a radical change.  We get a temporary glimpse of his heavenly glory. This “glory”, as we call it, is a hard thing to take.  Moses had to put a veil over his face after his encounters with God on Mt. Sinai, because the people couldn’t stand to look on this radiance.  Elisha’s ordeal during Elijah’s ascension also required strength and endurance, to overcome the intensity of the moment.  Peter’s delirium is evident in his encounter with heavenly glory.  For one brief moment, we get to see Jesus in his true heavenly state, and we can’t take it.
  2. Why Moses and Elijah?  I think of this occurrence as a sort of divine summit meeting.  Moses was there, because he was the first and biggest of the Old Testament prophets.  He was the shepherd, who led God’s people out of slavery in Egypt.  He was the giver of the law.  Elijah was there, not only because of the miracles that he performed, but because of his ascension into heaven.  Since it was expected that Elijah would return at the right time, he is a key player in this summit meeting.  The fact that these figures meet with Jesus and have a discussion cements Jesus’ place in the grand scheme of things.  This is not merely the son of a Jewish carpenter, but the messiah.  The Son of God!
  3. The voice of God makes two appearances in the New Testament.  One is at Jesus’ baptism, and the other at his transfiguration.  Both times, He calls Jesus his Son.  This time, we are instructed to listen to him.  This is our takeaway.  Listen to Jesus.


Imagine that you have found a great preacher.  You have been attending his church for a few months.  He invites you to join him on a prayer retreat.  Something surreal happens on that retreat.  His face and clothes become incredibly radiant.  Suddenly, Jesus, Martin Luther, and Billy Graham are standing next to him.  They are having a conversation.  It doesn't stop there.  A voice booms out "I like this preacher.  Listen to him."  What would that tell you about that preacher?  How would that affect your opinion of the preacher?  What thoughts and feelings might have been in the minds of Peter, James, and John, as they hiked down that mountain?

For February 4, 2024

ISAIAH 40:21-31


Have you ever felt like God abandoned you in your time of need? 

That’s exactly how the Jews felt during exile in Babylon.  Before exile, back in Israel, they were behaving badly.  They really got what they deserved.  But now, they were in a foreign land, surrounded by foreign gods and customs.  There was no hope of ever returning back home.  It felt like God had deserted them; It felt like He had left them high and dry, right when they needed him most.   


  • Let’s start in the middle, and work out to the ends. Verse 27 sums up the feelings of the people.  Words like “my way is hidden from the Lord” and that they felt “disregarded by God” indicate that they felt abandoned.  They thought that God had left them to waste away in Babylon.
  • Verse 28a is a repeat of verse 21, the beginning of our passage.  “Have you not known?  Have you not heard?”  Isaiah is urging these discouraged people to remember what they have been taught of old. Remember the stories.  Remember God’s chesed*, his steadfast love.
  • Verses 22-26 give us a global perspective—the view from God’s point of view.  We are like grasshoppers!  Have you ever ridden in an airplane, or been high up in a skyscraper?  That’s what people look like, isn’t it? 
  • Verse 24 reminds us of the short-lived nature of humankind— our frailty.  Earlier in chapter 40, Isaiah says: 

 “All people are grass, their constancy is like the flower of the field.  The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it; surely the people are grass.” Isaiah 40:6b-7

  • Verse 26 reminds us that God created us all, calls us by name, and none are missing.  God is still there, and He loves us.
  • Verse 28 speaks of God’s strength.
  • Verses 29-31 say that He gives this strength to us. “Those who wait on the Lord”, those who are faithful and true, will get renewed strength from God. 


Some of us would love to fly like an eagle.  Others would take great joy in merely being able to run or even walk again.  But our spiritual strength comes through being faithful to the Lord.  The Holy Spirit will give us the spiritual strength we need to soar like an eagle.  The Holy Spirit will not abandon us, because of God’s steadfast love for us. 


How do we get this strength?  Sometimes, it is given through prayer.  Other times, we receive it by sharing our burden with fellow Christians, or by shouldering others’ burdens. 


*Chesed is a Hebrew word which is often translated as “steadfast love”.  It is more than that.  The Old Testament is full of examples of humankind’s failure to live up to God’s expectations.  It is full of stories of our sinfulness.  But through it all, we clearly see the love of God at work, loving us, and saving us time and time again.  This is chesed in action.  It is God’s unfailing love for us, in spite of our actions. 



In the eighth chapter of Paul’s letter, he discussed the eating of meat sacrificed to idols.  Chapter 9 makes an abrupt turn.  Paul appears to be angry, and on the defensive.  Some of the Christians in Corinth have criticized Paul’s lack of sophistication in his preaching style.  They must have also taken some personal pot shots at him, because he defends not only his style, but his way of life.  He “had the right” to take a wife, and earn a wage.  But he gave all these up to be the type of apostle that he felt God expected him to be.  Let’s take a look at what he says.


  • He tells us in verse 16 that he can’t brag about being a preacher; it was something God expected of him.  He couldn’t not be an apostle—he was compelled to do this.  He had no choice.
  • He does all of this for free.  He can’t charge for something that God has compelled him to do—he is “entrusted with a commission.”  (vv. 17-18)
  • He then says that his reward is in spreading the gospel message free of charge.  Other apostles were married, as we will see in the gospel lesson.  Other apostles might have been paid for their services.  But due to Paul’s inner urgency to preach the Gospel, and his conscience, he felt obligated to relinquish these rights.
  • Verses 19-22a are his answer to those who criticized his unsophisticated style of preaching the gospel.  Some might think Paul to be wishy-washy, like a leaf in the wind.  But in fact, he is being clever and flexible.  He knows that he is most effective when he adapts to the situation; when he changes his style to fit the listener.   
  • He drives the nail home in verse 23.  It’s all for the sake of spreading the gospel. And it sure did work, didn’t it?


There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.  Some chose to remain celibate, to devote their lives to service to the Lord, some do not.  Some chose to leave well-paying careers to follow a life of service to God.  There is no one way to serve God.

There is also no one way to worship the Lord. People of different ages and cultures respond to different styles of worship.  All give God the glory.  All are acceptable to the Lord.


Perhaps if we are more flexible and sensitive to those around us, we might become better at spreading the good news of Jesus. 


MARK 1:29-39


Today’s reading comes on the heels of last week’s Gospel lesson.   Jesus was teaching in the synagogue with authority, and cast demons out of some of those present. 


  • Right after leaving the synagogue, they go to Simon (Peter) and Andrew’s home in Capernaum, in Galilee.  Simon’s mother-in-law is ill.  (Note: Simon Peter must be married, then, right?)  Jesus heals her on the spot, and she resumes her domestic duties.  (vv. 29-31)
  • In that time and place, the next day began at sunset.  So, once the sun had set, it was no longer the Sabbath; work could resume.  People came to be healed, both physically and emotionally.  (vv. 32-33)
  • It is interesting that Jesus did not permit the demons to speak.  He was not ready to have his full identity revealed.  He was on a mission.  Full disclosure would have interfered with that.  (v. 34)
  • Early in the morning, Jesus finds a quiet place to pray.  He must have sneaked away from his disciples, because they had to “hunt for him”.  (vv. 35-37)
  • Jesus tells them that they must move on to other villages. There is urgency in his words.  Why the rush?  Jesus says the he must “proclaim the message… for that is what I came out to do.”  And go, they did.  (vv. 38-39)


Sometimes, we put so much emphasis on the cross that we draw attention away from the other parts of Jesus’ mission.  The healing and casting out of demons was done not only out of compassion for the sick and the outcast, but to demonstrate his power and authority.  This authority was recognized by some in the synagogue in last week’s passage.  Soon, he will begin to teach us about our relationship with God using parables and sermons on mount and plain.

For January 28, 2024



The book of Deuteronomy is a collection of Moses’ final instructions. Moses addresses the people of Israel, prior to their entrance into the Promised Land.  Moses will not follow, but will end his days at Mount Nebo (also called Mount Pisgah).  Earlier in the story, the people were fearful of seeing God’s face or hearing his voice, lest they die.  They asked Moses to be their intermediary—a go-between.  Moses would receive God’s word, and relay it to the people.  Moses became their first prophet. 


  • Moses stated that since they are going their separate ways, God will provide them a replacement prophet; they won’t be left without a spokesperson.  This is what they asked for back at Mt. Horeb (Mt. Sinai).  The quote is a paraphrase of Deut. 5:22-27.  (vv. 15-16)
  •  Through Moses, God agrees that they would indeed die, if they heard the voice of the Lord. The average person couldn’t handle it. (v. 17)
  • Then, God lays out how a prophet works.  God speaks to the prophet, and the prophet speaks the words to the people.  God will hold the people and the prophet accountable for obeying the Lord’s commandments.  (vv. 18-20)


The writers of the gospels in the New Testament, especially Matthew, tell us that Jesus is the new Moses; he is the head of all the prophets.  Jesus not only speaks for God, but he is God Incarnate—God in the form of a human being. Now, with the gift of Jesus and the Holy Spirit given to all believers, we can speak with God directly, without the need of a go-between.  



In first century Palestine, Jews did not eat much meat, except for fish.  It was not an everyday food, because it was very expensive. The exception was the meat sacrificed by the pagans to their gods.  This meat was available and cheap.  The Jews were forbidden from eating this meat.  Paul preached about the freedom of Christians to eat anything; that the Jewish dietary laws were nullified by Jesus life, death and resurrection.  Some of the Christians in Corinth understood Paul’s teaching, took it to heart.  They ate meat—any meat.  This caused quite a stir, since this meat had been sacrificed to pagan gods.  Some said it was defiled meat, and should not be consumed.  In today’s second lesson, Paul explains what they should do.


  • Paul starts out by saying that while they might have true knowledge, love is better than knowledge.  Love builds up (the body of Christ).  (vv. 1-3)
  • He then says that they are indeed right.  The meat offered to idols is not really defiled, since those idols are fake.  There is only one God, and one Lord Jesus Christ.  The rest is nonsense, and they really could eat that meat.  (vv. 4-6)
  • Next comes the “but”.  The community of believers was a mix of Christians who were well-versed in the teachings of Jesus and believers who were recent converts. The faith and knowledge of the recent converts would have still been shaky.  There would still be some lingering emotional ties to their old pagan beliefs.  Paul calls them “weak believers”.  Paul points out to the “strong believers” that when they eat meat sacrificed to those fake idols, it becomes a stumbling block to the new believers’ faith.  (vv. 7-11)
  • Anything we do to cause another’s faith to falter is a “sin against Christ (v. 12)
  • Paul says the he’d rather be a vegetarian than sin against Christ (v. 13)


What Paul is saying is that yes, as Christians, we are not required to keep the old Kosher laws of the Jewish faith.  We have the freedom to eat whatever we like.  But he tempers this freedom with love and consideration for the community of believers.  Out of love and respect for our brothers and sisters, Paul says that it may be necessary to set aside some of our freedom out of respect for others. In doing so, the body of Christ becomes stronger.  This is a perfect definition of agape* love—the sacrificial love that you give for others.  Let us pray that we can all find it in our hearts to give more of this love to our communities and our churches.



Here in the USA, we cherish our freedoms.  In grammar school, I was taught that I had as much freedom as possible, until it affects the freedom of others.  Per Paul’s teaching, might there be times when we should consider sacrificing some of our freedom out of love for our neighbor?


* In the Greek language, there are several words for love.  The Greek word agape means the sort of love that involves the giving of self.  For example, it is the type of love that is involved when a married couple disagrees on something, but one gives in out of love for the other. 


MARK 1:21-28


Already in Mark’s gospel, Jesus has called his first disciples, and has begun his teaching/preaching ministry.  He begins his preaching within the Jewish “church”, in the synagogues.


  • Jesus enters a synagogue in Capernaum, and teaches “having authority”.  People are astounded. (vv. 21-22)
  • A man with an unclean spirit appears.  The spirits speak against Jesus, but in the process, they proclaim him to be “the Holy One of God”.  (vv. 23-24)
  • Jesus casts the demons out of the man, simply using his words.  (vv. 25-26)
  • Those who witness this are astounded.  They proclaim him to teach “with authority”. They spread the news.  (vv. 27-28)


As we read through the Gospels, one question is posed repeatedly—“Who is this Jesus of Nazareth?”  It is a question that many at the time were asking.  After all, Jesus was not a priest or a scribe, he was the son of a carpenter.  On the surface, he did not appear to have any qualifications for what he was doing.  Miracles and sound teaching were ways that Jesus used to demonstrate his authority.  By providing clear authoritative preaching and demonstrating his power over the forces of evil, Jesus got their attention.  In the process, his authority was proclaimed from the most unusual of sources.  In this case, the unclean spirit proclaimed him to be “the Holy One of God”.


Who do you believe Jesus is?  Just a carpenter’s son, or something more?

For January 21, 2024

JONAH 3:1-10


The story of Jonah and the whale is my best friend Rob’s favorite Old Testament story.  It is such a wild and outlandish story.  Weird stuff happens all through this four chapter book of the bible.  I encourage you to read it.  It is a short tale (a fish tail?)  But I wonder if my buddy Rob understands the God Lesson.  Without that, it’s just another fish story, about the big one that got away.

It helps to know that at the time this story was told, the people of Israel kept their religion to themselves.  They were not spreading the word.  To the contrary, they hated their neighbors, and shunned contact with the outside world.  They hated the Ninevites.  Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, one of their long-time arch enemies.  Plus, the Assyrians did not worship the Lord God Yahweh; they worshipped false gods.  In our story, God tells Jonah to preach repentance to the people of Nineveh. Jonah did not take kindly to the order. He runs away in the opposite direction.

Most theologians consider this book to be a satirical fable.  Jonah personifies the attitudes of Israel, but God has other plans.  More on that in The Takeaway.  The writer of this book uses blistering satire to make his point. It is a fable because of the involvement of the large fish, especially so because of the fish’s paranormal behavior. If you feel strongly that this was a historical event and not a satirical fable, that’s OK, too.  Just be sure that you discover the God Lesson—what God wants you to learn from this fish tale.


  • God repeats the command that he gave Jonah in 1:2. In between these verses is the story of Jonah’s refusal, heading in the opposite direction, a storm at sea, he’s thrown overboard, a “large fish” (not a whale) swallowed Jonah, spitting him ashore right where he needed to go to walk to Nineveh!  (vv. 1-2)
  • Jonah has a bad attitude.  He goes to this large city, but his heart is not in it. He doesn’t even go to the city center to do his preaching.  I guess he figured a day’s walk was good enough.  (vv. 3-4a)
  • When he stops, he gives the sorriest repentance speech that ever was, and leaves. (v. 4b)
  • The funny thing is that the people of Nineveh take this sorry prophecy very seriously.  Not only do the people and king fast & put on sackcloth as signs of their repentance, but they put sackcloth on the livestock, too! (vv.5-9)
  • The surprise of the story comes in verse 10. God sees their repentance, and changes his mind about the destruction he was going to unleash.
  • If you read on, chapter 4 tells of Jonah’s anger at God’s mercy.  He is so angry that God has been merciful to these people.  He just wants to die right on the spot.


This peculiar story is just as applicable to us today as it was for Israel back then.  We want God for ourselves, and are reluctant to share Him with others.  If we do share Him, we want them to come to God on our terms, by our rules.  There is no room for variation or difference.  God, on the other hand, has a heart that is much larger than ours. He loves everyone, and earnestly yearns for all to be in relationship with him.  He can tolerate our differences, if our heart is true.


I love my Old Lutheran liturgy, my Old German Lutheran hymns, all the candles and robes, and all the ceremony that goes with a traditional Lutheran worship service.  This is my definition of “Give Me that Old Time Religion”.  Yours might be quite a bit different.  Young people today listen to an entirely different style of music, with songs they hear on the Jesus Rock radio station.  But they do a fine job of worshiping our Lord. Can we be more tolerant of other Christians’ worship style and beliefs?  How should our evangelizing and welcoming mission be shaped to be more inclusive of other types of people?  Isn’t this the real work of the church?



Chapter seven of Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth is an interesting one.  He discusses various issues concerning the Christians there.  Today’s verses are interesting to read and consider. They come from the perspective that Paul and his followers expected Jesus to return at any moment.  Twenty centuries later, we know that this is not how it happened.  We’ll get to that in a moment.  But first, let’s look at the verses.


  • Paul tells us that “the appointed time has grown short”.  He expects Jesus’ return very soon.  The advice to follow is based on this statement.  (v. 29a)
  • The list of advice might seem peculiar.  (vv. 29b-31a)  It is:
    • Those who have wives should be as though they have none.
    • Those who mourn should be as though there’s nothing to mourn.
    • Those who buy goods should be as though they have nothing.
    • Those who deal with the world should be as though they had no dealings with it.
  • Then, we get the reason:  “For the present form of this world is passing away.” (vv.  31b)


Well, OK. Jesus’ return wasn’t just around the corner. But before we throw the baby out with the bath water, let’s think about this a moment.  Paul expected Jesus to arrive at any moment.  Because of this, he recommended a shift in priorities—a sharpened focus on spiritual matters.  He is pressing for a sense of urgency in daily life.  Maybe, Paul’s advice is a good wakeup call for us. Sure, it’s a bit extreme, but think about it. 


What would you do, if you knew Jesus was returning next month?  How do we live our lives with that sense of urgency?  Now, a story.  

I heard a story, but I can’t remember who it was. (If you know, please tell me.) 

A famous old Christian teacher was playing croquet with his pupils.  He asked his students what they would do, if they knew Jesus was coming next week.  One said that he would stop playing the game, and make peace with his brother.  Another said they would go immediately and settle an outstanding debt.  Yet another said they would help the poor to know Jesus.  They then asked the teacher what he would do.  The teacher said that he would continue playing the game.  What was the teacher’s point?  I believe that he felt that his students should have already done the things they said they were going to do.  We should already be helping the poor, paying our debts, and making peace with our brother.  Then, like the teacher, we could then simply enjoy the game, and wait for Jesus arrival.


MARK 1:14-20


Mark’s gospel jumps right to John the baptizer. No manger scenes or shepherds in the fields.  In of 13 short verses, John preaches, and baptizes Jesus.  By verse 14, he is already arrested by Herod.  Now that John’s mission is complete, Jesus begins his. 


  • Once John’s work is through, Jesus proclaims that “the kingdom of God has come near”.  After all, God Incarnate is walking on the earth.  He is calling the people to come, listen, repent, and believe. (vv. 14-15)
  • In this account, Jesus is walking along the lakeshore, when he sees Simon and Andrew.  He calls them to follow him, and they will fish for people (instead of fish).  (vv. 16-17)
  • They drop everything, and immediately follow him. (v. 18)
  • Jesus, Simon, and Andrew are still in the fishing village of Bethsaida.  (It is not mentioned here.  We know this from last week’s lesson, John 1:44.)  Immediately, Jesus spots James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They leave their father with the hired help, and follow Jesus and the others.  (vv. 19-20)


There is a sense of urgency in Mark’s writing.  Things happen immediately.  There is no “I’ll be along, as soon as I…”  His disciples drop everything and follow him.  Would we do the same?  Do we have this sense of urgency in sharing the gospel?

Jesus calls us all to come, listen, repent, and believe.  The kingdom of God has come near.  It is here now, at least in part.  Jesus dwells in our hearts, and we are his disciples.  This is the kingdom, at least until he returns.

For January 14, 2024


1 SAMUEL 3:1-10


The story of Samuel is an interesting one, and I recommend that you read chapters 1 & 2, so that you can enjoy the whole story. Samuel is the son of a faithful woman named Hannah.  She was barren for many years.  After praying in the temple, God granted her request for a son.  As soon as he is weaned, she dedicates him to service to the Lord; she hands him over to the prophet Eli, to raise and train.  Today’s reading takes place in the temple.  According to Jewish tradition, Samuel is 12 years old when this occurs.


  • Verse 1 tells us that the people of the Lord had fallen out of relationship with God.
  • Eli is old, and Samuel is young.  It must be nighttime, the early morning hours, because the lamp of God was still burning.  (vv. 2-3)  As specified in Exodus 27:21, this lamp was to burn “from evening until morning”. 
  • The Lord calls to Samuel, who is in his bed. Samuel has not heard the voice of the Lord before, so he thinks that Eli has called him.  He rushes to his side.  Eli denies calling him, and sends him back to bed.  This happens twice.  (vv. 4-7)
  • When this happens a third time, Eli finally figures out what’s going on, and tells Samuel what to do. (vv. 8-9) 
  • The Lord gives Samuel the bad news—Eli and his sons will not live much longer, because of their actions.  (vv. 11-14)
  • Samuel doesn’t want to tell Eli this bad news. Eli has been his mentor and perhaps like a father to him.  After all, he cared for him since he was a toddler.  But Eli takes the news on the chin.  He already knew this was coming.  (vv. 15-18)
  • This is the beginning of Samuel’s relationship with God, and the end of Eli’s.  (v. 19)


God calls us into His service.  Some heed the call, and others do not.  Let’s be like Samuel, saying “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”





Paul, Timothy, and Silas had started the church in Corinth, staying there “a considerable time.” (Acts 18:1-18)  But they had the Lord’s work to do, and moved on. A letter is sent to Paul, listing several problems that have arisen since his departure.  Paul’s letter is a response to the church in Corinth, to address these issues and set them back on the right path. 


  • Some members of the church there are twisting Paul’s words regarding the freedom of the Christian from the Law of Moses. Some feel that anything goes. Paul quotes their sayings in verses 12 and 13a.  It appears that they are not only eating anything and everything.  That’s pretty much OK.  But, they are having sex with prostitutes, saying “all things are lawful for me”.  This is not OK.
  • Paul reminds them that since they are the Lord’s, when they lay with a prostitute, they also defile God.  (vv. 13b-18)
  • We have all heard verse 19 when we were teenagers—“our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit”.  I am especially fond of verse 20—“…you were bought with a price…” 


Jesus “bought” us with his blood.  We belong to him.  Our lives are His.  We must live our lives to the glory of His name.

JOHN 1:35-51


Note:  The lectionary for this Sunday is verses 43-51.  I have chosen to  cover the larger story, beginning with verse 35.

The Gospel of John starts out with a bang.  No sooner does John explain to us that Jesus was there at the beginning of creation, but he jumps right to Jesus baptism and the calling of His first disciples. 


  • The day after Jesus’ baptism, John the Baptist points Jesus out to two of his followers.  They ask Jesus a question.  Jesus simply answers “come and see”, and they decide to follow Jesus. One of these is Andrew, and the other is not named.  (vv. 35-40) 
  • Andrew calls his brother Simon to tag along, saying that they have found the Messiah.  Jesus renames Simon Peter “Rocky” (in my translation, since Peter means “rock”).  (vv.41-42)
  • Jesus calls Philip simply by saying “follow me”.  (v. 43)
  • Philip finds his friend Nathanael, and tells him who they’ve found.  Nathanael says something a little snobby about Nazareth.  Maybe there was some small town rivalry here, but it is a curious comment.  But, Philip simply says “come and see” [“come and see for yourself” in my silly translation], and Nathanael follows.  (vv. 45-46)
  • Next, we have an interesting dialogue between Jesus and Nathanael.  Their first impressions of one another must have been huge.  It is interesting that all of these disciples are from the same small town, Bethsaida.  They obviously knew each other.  Were they friends?
  • In verses 50 & 51, Jesus says “If that impresses you, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.”  (Again, from my personal translation.)  Verse 51 is a subtle reference to a dream that Jacob had, as told in Genesis 28:10-12.


I would like to give this passage the title “Jesus Calls His Disciples”, but that would not be accurate.  Andrew calls Simon Peter.  Philip calls Nathanael.  So disciples are also calling others to become disciples.  It is also very interesting to me that very few words were needed to compel these men to drop everything and follow Jesus.  Was Jesus that charismatic?  Was the Holy Spirit working in their hearts?

Today, Jesus calls us to follow him.  If you’re reading this, chances are that you have already chosen to do so.  If not, I encourage you to read one of the gospels, and learn more about Jesus.  (Mark is the shortest one, and a good place to start.)

Today, since we are Jesus’ disciples, we have the responsibility to carry on His work; we must call others to also follow Him. Sometimes, with the help of the Holy Spirit, it only takes a few words.  Other times, a discussion might ensue.  Whatever the situation, ours is the task to urge those around us to follow Jesus.  We have the help of the Holy Spirit.  Let’s spread the Good News!
