Nehemiah was not the cup bearer for the king of Babylon. That was a mistake. He served the king who conquered the Babylonians. He served King Artaxerxes I, the king of Persia.
Nehemiah was not the cup bearer for the king of Babylon. That was a mistake. He served the king who conquered the Babylonians. He served King Artaxerxes I, the king of Persia.
NEHEMIAH 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Our first reading is from the book of Nehemiah. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah are considered by biblical scholars as one book. Both books are the memoirs of each person, and each book includes the other in their account. They both lived during the same time period and the same place. Both were Jews in exile in Babylon. Ezra was a scribe & priest, Nehemiah was a cupbearer for the Babylonian king. Cupbearers were charged with tasting the king’s wine first to ensure that a) it was good wine, and b) not laced with poison. They lived in Babylon at the time that the Jews were allowed to return to the Promised Land. Ezra went with the first wave, Nehemiah with the second. Ezra was responsible for the spiritual guidance of the returning Jews. The king assigned Nehemiah to the job of leading the work crews in repairing Jerusalem’s city walls and gates.
The fortifications were just completed when our passage begins.
Self-examination is not easy, but it is necessary. We all need to take an honest look at ourselves, from time to time. It is good to remember that “The joy of the Lord is our strength”. The way of the Lord is good. But sometimes we stray off the path. It is good to read Holy Scripture, and periodically reflect on our actions. Lent is coming soon. We’ll have plenty of time for self-examination.
To understand the situation in Jerusalem, let’s look at the difference in the English language between today and what it looked like centuries earlier. Here is a short clip from the epic poem Beowulf, written in England around 900 A.D. The original Old English version is on the left, a modern English translation on the right.
I don’t know about you, but I’m even having a hard time understanding the modern translation! To understand this poem, I’m going to need somebody to explain the meaning to me. I think that something similar to this was going on in Jerusalem that day. Maybe you can see why the people of Nehemiah’s day needed both a translation and an explanation!
1 CORINTHIANS 12: 12-31a
This week’s second reading is a continuation of last week’s. In verses 1-11, Paul addressed an issue they were having in the church in Corinth. Those who had received the gift of speaking in tongues from the Holy Spirit claimed a spiritual superiority over the other members of the congregation. Paul has already made his point. But, since he is a caring father to this congregation, he follows it up with a metaphor, to drive the point home.
The important thing to take away from this lesson is that every single baptized Christian has been blessed with at least one spiritual gift. Not only is it important for us to identify and use ours to build up the body of Christ, we must also need to realize that everybody has a gift. There are some members at my church whose gifts are obvious, and it is a beautiful thing to see these gifts in action. But there are other members whose gifts are not as obvious. Like some body parts, they are more hidden. But God gives us all whichever spiritual gift He chooses. Let us learn to love and respect each other, knowing that together, we are one body.
LUKE 4:14-21
This year, we will be working our way through the gospel of Luke. Today, we are only in the fourth chapter. So far in Luke, We’ve read about the birth of Jesus, the work of John the Baptist, and Jesus’ baptism. Last week, we read (in John) that three days after his baptism, he performed his first miracle (or sign). What happens next in Luke is the temptation of Jesus, but we’re saving that for Ash Wednesday (March 5th).
You might remember how the crowd reacted to his explanation. We’ll get to study that next week. This week, we’re going to focus on why Jesus chose that passage, and what it meant. Verses 18-19 are from Isaiah. Jesus said:
In modern business, it is expected that companies have what is called a Mission Statement. It is a statement that captures who they are and what they do. Churches even have them. I believe that when Jesus stood up, chose this passage, and read it, he was stating his mission statement. In other words, Jesus was saying “God sent me here to fulfill this prophecy, and I’m going to do just that.”
Jesus’ mission is also our mission here in this time and in this place. Reread his mission statement above. How do you and I continue his work here and now?
ISAIAH 42:1-9
These words of Isaiah were written during exile. They present an unnamed servant of God. The attributes are given to this servant are unusual for a prophet or king. Over the centuries, Christians have felt that this passage points to God’s #1 servant, Jesus. While this certainly is a valid argument, it does not explain what it meant to people for the 500 years between the writing of these words and Jesus. Let’s look at what the passage says.
God presents us with a role model; with the type of behavior that He would value in someone who is His servant. Jesus, being God’s son, came to earth to give us an example of this behavior. But we, too, are God’s servants in this time and place. As such, we should also strive to emulate these traits. We should act with gentle authority. We should work to free the unfortunate from their burdens, and open their eyes to the love of God through our actions.
When “the nations” appears in the bible, it is a reference to the rest of the world. It means “out there”, those other people, not us Israelites. God is telling His people through Isaiah that His vision is for all peoples to know and love Him.
ACTS 10:34-43
During Jesus’ time, the People of God were a closed society. The Hebrew people kept to themselves, except for whatever they were forced to do by the occupying Romans. Jesus’ ministry, with a few exceptions, was focused primarily on the Jewish community. In the early years of the church, nearly all of the believers were Jewish Christians. This is about to change. In the first part of chapter 10 (not included in today’s reading), God sends Peter a dream, sanctifying all food, even non-Kosher foods.
God also sends a messenger to Peter. The messenger is from the household of Cornelius, an officer in the Roman army. Cornelius is a “God-lover”—a Gentile who loves Yahweh, but has not fully converted to Judaism. God prompts Cornelius to have a messenger go and fetch Peter.
As soon as Peter finishes the dream, there’s a knock on the door. It is Cornelius’ messenger. Peter follows, and meets Cornelius. It is clear to Peter that he has been called to preach the gospel to this Roman Gentile soldier!
The season of Epiphany began on January 6th. As we studied last week, Epiphany marks the coming of the wise men “from the East” to worship Jesus. These men, as well as Cornelius, are not Hebrews. They signal the coming of a new age; God sent his son for all nations, including Gentiles like you and me. In the words of Isaiah, “… the former things have come to pass, and new things I [God] now declare..” (Is. 42:9)
MATTHEW 3:13-17
After the story of the visiting of the wise men, and the aftermath of their visit, the gospel of Matthew fast-forwards to John the Baptist’s work. We join this scene, to find that Jesus has come to seek John out.
“Fulfilling all righteousness” now means to me that Jesus had planned to do this. It also means that Jesus felt that baptism was a “right action”, or a good thing for people to do. He wanted baptism to be part of what it is to be a disciple of Jesus. (vv. 15-16a)
Jesus’ life was one big example of living a godly life. I believe that he was leading by example by being baptized by John. Did Jesus need to repent? Of course not! But I believe that he wanted to make it known that repentance and baptism are good and righteous actions for us all.
“Jesus is coming soon!” We’ve all seen these signs on street corners and along the road. But if you have been observing Advent, and pretending that the Christ Child comes on Christmas Day, it really is true. This Sunday is the 22nd. Christmas Day is only 3 days away. Let’s make our final preparations for his arrival.
Again this week, our hymn of praise is not from the book of Psalms. This Sunday’s hymn of praise comes from Mary’s lips; her Magnificat. We will study this in today’s Gospel reading.
MICAH 5:2-5a
The prophet Micah lived during the reign of Hezekiah around 700 B.C. The Assyrians were attacking from the north. The outlook appeared grim for the people of Judah. Micah presents a prophecy of hope for the hopeless inhabitants of Jerusalem.
These words from God were a comfort to the people of Micah’s time. We Christians see the connection to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Matthew, Luke and John include references to Micah’s prophecy, so they saw it, too. Big things did indeed come forth from that little village. So, how does God plan to get a carpenter and his betrothed, expectant bride all the way from Nazareth to Bethlehem, to make this prophecy come true? I wonder…
HEBREWS 10:5-10
In several ways, the book of Hebrews is a strange book to me. I must keep in mind that it was written by a Jew for the Christian-Jewish church. It was written to explain the meaning of Jesus’ mission. This is all done from a Jewish-Christian perspective. Sometimes, it is difficult to follow. Let’s work our way through today’s passage.
Today’s passage consists mainly of quotations from the bible. To make matters confusing, they used the Septuagint. That was an Old Testament translated into Greek, the universal language of the time. Our Old Testament is a translation from the original Hebrew. Occasionally, like today, there are “slight” differences.
Jesus has done his Father’s will, and sacrificed himself for us. Our response as Jesus’ followers is to obey the Father’s will. We live our lives by loving one another, and giving ourselves just as Jesus so freely gave of himself.
LUKE 1:39-55
You may recall from the previous weeks, that we have been following the life of John the Baptist. Last week, we saw the adult John preparing the way for the Messiah. This week we have a flashback. His mother Elizabeth is six months pregnant with John, when her cousin comes to visit.
Biblical scholars like to point out the similarity between Mary’s Magnificat and Hannah’s song of praise in 1 Samuel 2:1-10. Mary was, no doubt, well-versed in the scriptures; she was most likely familiar with this song. But her praise song differs in many ways from Hannah’s. Why not study them both to see how they are similar and different? The takeaway for us from this story comes in verses 50-55. God is about to turn things upside-down. Are you ready?
In some churches, Mary is called the “Mother of God”. Others find this offensive, and claim her to merely be an instrument of God’s plan. For sure, Mary must have been the one of the most righteous and worthy women on earth. God chose her for this special task. From her knowledge of the song of Hannah, it appears that she was familiar with scripture. She also appears to have done a pretty good job of raising Jesus, too, wouldn’t you say? What might God have thought of Mary, to give her this important task? What does Mary’s role in this story mean to you?
In liturgical churches, the colors used to decorate the worship space are chosen to match the mood or spirit of the season. For many centuries, the color used for the season of Advent was purple. Purple is the same color used for the season of Lent; to evoke a somber, penitent mood appropriate for the season. But some years ago, a change was made. The color for Advent was changed to blue, to signify hope. I say this, because many of us use Advent wreaths during this season, and the color of most of the candles is now blue. There is also a white one for Christmas Day. But there’s that one pink, or rose candle, and that’s what we need to talk about. The rose candle is for the third Sunday of Advent. In Latin, it is called Gaudete Sunday, or “Joy” Sunday. We take a short break from our preparation and inward, penitent reflection to feel a little joy. We know that Jesus will be born on Christmas Day. We know that he brings us salvation; our joy is an appropriate feeling. This Sunday is reserved to feel a little joy along our Advent journey. But it is Advent, so you know it won’t last for long.
I should also mention that today’s hymn of praise does not come from the book of Psalms, but from Isaiah, chapter 12. Its theme is right in line with the mood of Gaudete (“Joy”) Sunday. Isaiah 11:1-2 are the often quoted verses that we apply to the coming of Jesus:
A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse,
and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
2 The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him,
the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and might,
the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
The entire chapter speaks of this “root of Jesse”. Jesse was king David’s father. This is the promise of the restored kingdom. This kingdom is restored in Jesus’ coming.
In the verses preceding today’s passage (verses 1-13, not shown), the prophet Zephaniah comes down hard on the political and religious leaders of the day. God wants his people to care for the poor, the widows, orphans, and foreigners; pretty much everyone who is disadvantaged in their society. Instead, those in political and religious power were more concerned with lining their own pockets than having pity on those in need. Verses 1-13 are addressed to those in power. Verses 14-20 are for everybody else. They are a song of joyful victory that God will deliver over their oppression. This is the message of hope that Zephaniah received from the Lord.
These really are great things to be joyful about! (vv. 18-20)
Since we know that the Messiah is coming, these words ring with a new meaning. Jesus is this righteous king. He is our warrior who gives us victory—the victory over death.
This is Paul’s “love letter” to the church in Philippi. Since the bible is God’s word for us, it is also God’s love letter to us.
In school, I learned that if a teacher repeats himself, the point he’s trying to make is an important one. Paul starts off this passage by repeating himself, saying “rejoice” twice. Also, he is writing this from a dark, dank Roman prison cell. If he can feel the joy of Jesus there, we most certainly can feel that joy in our lives.
Washing away worry with prayer is good advice. Ask God to give us what we need to eliminate the worry, so we can feel the joy and do some rejoicing. Jesus is coming!
LUKE 3:7-18
Last week, we got an introduction to John the Baptist. We heard his father’s hymn of praise to God, and John’s mission was made clear in the Old Testament references. Today, we get to see John in action.
John’s point here is that regardless of who we are, what we are, or what we have done, we all need to reflect on our sinful nature. (v. 8b)
Well, we started out this study in a joyful mood. I guess with the Gospel lesson, that party is over! We are pulled back into the hard work of Advent, preparing the way of the Lord by inward penitent reflection.
When we have dinner guests, two things must be done. Not only must we prepare the meal, but we must prepare our home for our guests’ arrival. We would never think of having people over to a dirty house—the house gets a thorough cleaning. Our Advent reflection and repentance is the way we clean our spiritual “house”.
Jesus is coming on Christmas Day. Is your “house” clean?
This is the second of a four-Sunday season we call Advent. During Advent, we prepare for the Christ Child’s arrival on Christmas Day. It is a time for us to reflect on our lives. Are we ready for his arrival? If he returned tomorrow, would we be ready? Most importantly, how do we get ready? Today’s readings reflect these types of thoughts. Hopefully, we will reflect, discover, and make changes as necessary to prepare for his arrival this Christmas.
Here’s a joke for you. A grandmother was sitting in her rocking chair, reading her bible. Two grandchildren were sitting at her feet. “What’s Grandma doing?” said the one child. The other child answered “She’s studying for her final exam.” The season of Advent is about preparing for our “final exam”, whether it is Jesus coming here or us going there.
LUKE 1:68-79
Normally, I don’t comment on the Psalm. But this week’s hymn of praise is not from the book of Psalms, but from Luke. The story actually begins in Luke 1:5-20. The angel Gabriel announces to a priest named Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth would bear a child. When Zechariah expresses doubt, because of age, Gabriel makes him mute. (That’ll teach him!)
Fast forward to Luke 1:57-67: Elizabeth delivers the child. People ask her what to name him, and she says “John”. Not satisfied with her answer, they ask her husband. Zechariah’s first words are “His name is John”. What follows is Zechariah’s beautiful hymn of praise. This is today’s psalm. By the way, this child becomes the man we call John the Baptist.
The prophet Malachi lived during the time after their return from Babylon, long before the birth of Jesus. During this time, God’s people had reverted to their old ways, not giving the Lord the honor and praise He deserved. Sacrifices and offerings were weak, and not backed up by righteous living.
Jesus did indeed turn up the heat. If you’re in doubt, read he Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7, especially 5:17-37.) Our actions need to meet these expectations from God.
The apostle Paul was in a Roman prison, writing this letter to the church in Philippi. Prison life in Roman times was no picnic. In fact, they didn’t feed or care for the prisoners; that was the responsibility of friends and family. Churches like the one in Philippi were his lifeline. You can tell from the tone of his message that they must have reached out to support him in this time of need. The joy and love that is in this letter is remarkable, considering the agony that Paul endured.
The Advent message for us lays in verses 5 and 6. Our job is to bring the work started by Jesus and the apostles “to completion.” We should be working hard with the Holy Spirit to share the gospel message with those around us, as we wait for Jesus’ return.
LUKE 3:1-6
Today’s passage is our introduction to John the Baptist’s ministry. We will study this in detail next week.
It is interesting that the bible doesn’t mention baptism until these verses in the New Testament. We’re not certain what it meant to those of John’s time. Isaiah 1 does speak of the sinfulness of God’s people, and the need to repent. Verse 16 instructs the repentant ones to wash themselves clean of their sinfulness.
John calls to each one of us today. He calls us to examine our lives, “come clean”, and be honest with ourselves. We should identify the many ways we have fallen short of God’s expectations. He calls us to repent & begin again, knowing that we are loved and forgiven. This is how we prepare for Jesus’ to enter our hearts on Christmas.
How do we prepare for his coming?
JEREMIAH 33:14-16
As you may recall, chapters 30-33 of Jeremiah are called the “consolation chapters” of his great work. The rest of Jeremiah is full of turmoil and condemnation. But this section of his prophecy offers a glimmer of hope; we get a little relief from all that tension and strife.
God’s people have been behaving badly. They now find themselves in exile in Babylon. It seems doubtful that they will ever return to the Promised Land. But here is a message of hope from God.
Isaiah 11:1 states that “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.“ In today’s passage, Jeremiah basically gives the same message. The seemingly dead royal line of David will sprout a new and righteous branch.
As Christians, we know that Jesus is the fulfillment of this scripture.
Paul was in Athens, preaching the Gospel message to the Greeks there. With him, of course were his helpers Silas and Timothy. Paul became concerned about the wellbeing of the church in Thessalonica, and sent Timothy there. When Timothy returned, he had some good news and some bad news. They were rich in faith and love, but they lacked the hope in the resurrection. Paul writes this letter to help correct the problem.
The church in Thessalonica was full of love and faith. They expected Jesus’ return to be at any moment. When it did not happen as soon as expected, they became concerned and discouraged. Paul encourages us to grow in faith as we keep waiting and watching, not losing hope for his return.
LUKE 21:25-36
Two weeks ago, we looked at a passage from Mark, in which Jesus was talking about the “end times”. We called it “Mark’s Apocalypse”. As you may recall, apocalyptic writing is a distinctive writing style that is found in many places in our bible. The Roman Catholic bible contains some additional Old Testament writings. In fact, even more writings from this time that were written in this apocalyptic style. These are not part of our bible, but they do exist. All of these are that same writing style, which are a lot like our book of Revelation. The symbolism can be confusing at times, but the message is always the same— we should keep the faith, because God is in control. Today’s gospel lesson, Jesus speaks in this apocalyptic style. He’s talking about the end times; about the time when he will return. It’s a good Advent message.
So, let us cleanse and prepare our hearts for the arrival of the Christ Child on Christmas Day.